Monday, March 17, 2008


Reflection of Making my Video!

I learned quite a bit reading through articles about the great depression and by gathering photos to use as primary sources, but the most interesting thing that I learned about the great depression was that after the stock market crashed on black Tuesday it did not recover to pre depression levels until the 1950's!
I didn't learn all that much as far as technical skills, since I am pretty good with computers. However, I have never used the Photo Story program before, so I guess I learned how to use it, but it was pretty self explanatory. I did find it useful to learn how to make a a JPG file out of a powerpoint slide.
I learned that making the digital story, (planning it out) was not all that hard. I hope that I will remember that when I am in the classroom and use it as a tool. It took the most effort to come up with the topic, but when I get out their in the real world, as a teacher, I will already have my subject matter.
I also learned a lot through viewing everyone else's videos! I thought everyone did a really great job. I especially liked seeing the fun and more lighthearted videos just because when I was brainstorming I really couldn't think of any topics that were on the fun or lighthearted side.

1 comment:

Dr. Hudgins said...

It is nice to know that photostory came easy to you. It is a good program to use easy to teach and have students design good stories.
See me about your movie.
Nice job with your story, music, and narration about Black Tuesday.