Monday, October 27, 2008


This week in our Foundations of American Education we talked about violence in schools. When I was considering the possibility of this happening in a school I worked at it was really overwhelming. I hope that I never have to deal with anything too serious like that, but you never know. I guess all you can do is try to connect with your students and try to make them feel like a welcome and important part of your classroom community. This week in my foundations of a bilingual classroom we talked about the a lot about language. My group presentetd on two articls about English Language Learners. One of them was about students using different dialects in the classroom. The other one was about motivating and connecting with students from other cultures. I think the presentation went okay, but not exactly as planned. Then again, how often do things go exactly according to plan? I am getting very excited to go out and do our field experience next week! I am a little nervous though, because our cooperating teacher hasn't returned any of my partner and I's calls! I guess if worst comes to worst we'll just have to show up at her school on Monday morning! This week during our Science class we talked about what is expected of us for field. I feel like most of our classes this semester have been so vague and not very explicit on what the expectations are of us and then at the last minute they are just throwing all of these extra (busy work) assignments on us and it is just too much! Well, this is just my opinion. Anyway--that's not just based on science class that is with all of our classes. In our classroom management class we just went over the chapter we were currently studying in the text. We were mostly discussing communication with students while managing their behavior. In our Literacy class on Wednesday we went over the field requirements. I feel like I am more clear on everything that is expected of us now. We did finally get a hold of our cooperating teacher which is nice. At least we know what time she wants us to be there on Monday! I am feeling overwhelmed with the work, but excited to be in the field having fun and learning with and from the kids and to get everything done..

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