Monday, September 29, 2008


Well, I haven't personally checked engrade, but due to some commentary by my peers I do not think my blog is doing too well as far as scores go. I don't really want to check my actual scores because I don't want to be discouraged so I am just going to commit to be better starting now. Since I find it hard to reflect on the week once it is all over I am just going to add to my post day-to-day. Today in our class (Foundations of American Education) I was a little panicked. I apparently am not navigating the class web site very well since I learned in class, instead of on the web, that no one in particular was fascilitating. I was nervous, but it went well. I actually learned something kind of important too. I usually make a lot of comments, because I feel bad when no one is saying anything so I just try to blurt something out to bail everyone out, but today, I tried not to talk as much (aka every time it is quiet). I think it taught me a lot about wait time. I think this is/was important for me to understand so that when I become a teacher I am not always just bailing the students out/not letting them think deep enough when there is silence. The Foundations of Multicultural Classroom class went pretty well. Mondays are really long though, because we have five hours of classes and both classes are taught with similar teaching styles. Our classes on Tuesday went pretty well, the science class always seems really long, just because to be honest three hours is a long time! We had an assignment to bring a science experiment you could use in class and teach it to two others. I did a static electricity experiment and worksheet for fifth grade. It was actually a lot of fun and I think it went well. I really would use it later. I don't think I learned that much in classroom management. It feels like a lot of what we talk about is basically common sense. Then again, it is only an hour of class so you can't get into the subject too deep. On Wednesdays we have Literacy Methods. I feel like I am doing fine understanding the class, but it is also a little frustrating. Most of what we are learning focuses on the early elementary grades and I would like to teach fifth or sixth grade so I have a hard time seeing how I would apply some of the techniques.

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